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Kitesurf at Salamansa, à Sao Vicente

Kitesurf spot in Cape Verde

Salamansa, à Sao Vicente: kite spot summary

Located on the island of Sao Vicente (north of the island) in the Cape Verde archipelago, Salamansa is a huge, versatile spot swept by side shore winds.

Apart from the shorebreak at the edge, the water is relatively flat and also allows for initiation to waves a bit further out.

Less touristy than Sal, the island of Sao Vicente offers a more authentic Cape Verdean atmosphere, as well as truly interesting trekking opportunities. Life is also cheaper than in Sal.

Pros: versatile spot – plenty of space – few people – landscapes and excursions
Cons: transfers to reach Sao Vicente

Some additional tips:

There are no direct flights to Sao Vicente from Europe: you will have to stopover in Sal.

There are other spots on Sao Vicente, including a natural pool at Baia das Gatas and wave spots for experienced waveriders (Praia Grande, Calhau, Sandy Beach).

There are multiple possibilities for excursions/trekking, both on Sao Vicente and on the neighboring island, Sao Antao.

Spot kitesurfing features at Salamansa, à Sao Vicente

Best season

From December to June

Water conditions

Flat, waves

Wind type

On - Side on

Beginner access

⭐ ⭐ ☆ ☆ ☆

Level required

Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced

What is the best period to go kitesurfing toSalamansa, à Sao Vicente?

Quand partir logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp logo_ktp
Vent* 91 93 89 93 95 90 68 58 71 82 84 87
Air** 22 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 26 25 23
Eau** 23 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 25 24

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